
If you’re someone who has a major interest in carpet cleaning, then you’ll know what is the difference between a carpet cleaner and a carpet extractor.

Both carpet extractors and carpet cleaners are valuable tools when it comes to maintaining soft carpets. However, they are both very different and serve unique purposes.

You’ll also want to keep in mind when to use them because their different roles mean that they are best used at different times.

A carpet extractor machine and a carpet cleaner both help to make a carpet look nicer by taking out stains and dirt particles, but the contexts in which they are used differ.

Sometimes your carpet will require the use of a cleaner and at other times an extractor will be needed. To be able to distinguish between them and decide which is the best option is far superior to using one of them for every purpose.

Therefore, we will use this article to explore what is the difference between a carpet cleaner and carpet extractor, along with how they are used. It is difficult to know how to identify them because many carpet cleaners and carpet extractors look similar.

The Functions Of A Carpet Cleaner

Carpet cleaners are commonly used devices that are often used to clean stairs or to keep a business clean. A lot of people know what they are, but it’s always best to be clear.

Carpet cleaners have a range of different functions in the home, and those who have used one will understand what these are.

They can either clean a carpet by heating chemicals that will remove dirt ingrained into the carpet, or by vacuuming the carpet ready for dry cleaning.

The strength and approaches of carpet cleaning machines vary considerably, so it’s worth looking for one that targets your needs. Some will be great for deep stains, whereas others will only clean the surface.

Most of the time, it is the surface that will be focused on, and not the layers below. If you need a strong floor cleaner, then you’ll want to pick a carpet extractor instead.

What Is A Carpet Extractor?

Carpet cleaners are very good at removing stains from the surfaces of carpets effectively and efficiently, but they are not so good when it comes to tougher stains.

Simple dirt can be cleaned with a carpet cleaner, and if you mostly suffer from this type of dirt, then you won’t need an extractor. However, if a lot of dirt has built up and it looks as if it is deeply embedded inside the carpet, then you’ll need a carpet extractor.

If you’re wondering how to use a carpet extractor, then here’s how. They will coat the carpet with a special chemical that cleans it and pulls out the particles near the base of the carpet. This process ensures that all of the stains are removed and your carpet looks as good as new again. It does take quite some time, so you’ll need to be prepared to leave it for a while.

Carpet Extractor VS Carpet Cleaner

Now that we’ve clarified what each machine is and what their functions are, it’s time to explore what is the difference between a carpet cleaner and carpet extractor.

The main differences are the rate at which they clean the carpet, and how thoroughly they do so. Both of them will do a decent job, but one only does the surface whereas another goes further.

If your carpet is rarely used and people do not walk on it that often, then a carpet cleaner should suffice. It will take out any small pieces of dirt and clean any stains that might be present. By using a carpet cleaner, you’ll also save time, because extractors are more cumbersome to set up and use.

Another piece of good news is that carpet cleaners can handle any dirt left behind by pets. These types of stain can seem difficult and challenging to confront, but a carpet cleaner will make the process much easier. Using an extractor for these stains is generally unnecessary.

This begs the question of why use carpet extractors if carpet cleaners are so versatile?

The answer is that carpet cleaners can only do so much when it comes to stains that have been left unaddressed for a long time. Dirt that is not cleaned up will sink inside the fibers of the carpet and take extra effort to remove. The extra strength and power of a carpet extractor will help you in these situations, so long as you use it according to the instructions. Carpet cleaners are not suitable for tackling large amounts of ingrained dirt.

Furthermore, if you are not keen on regularly cleaning your home, and would rather deal with your carpets on an infrequent basis, then carpet extractors are the way to go. A session with an extractor will take more of your time, but last much longer than if you used a carpet cleaner.

Making Your Choice

Picking a carpet cleaner or a carpet extractor machine doesn’t have to be a challenge. Now that you know the differences between a carpet extractor vs carpet cleaner, you’ll be able to clean your carpets much more easily.

One major point that should also be covered at this time is the fact that different cleaning machines require different cleaning intervals. A carpet cleaner is best for short-term cleaning, and a carpet extractor is best for long-term cleaning.

Carpet extractors are also the most useful choice if you haven’t cleaned your carpets in a long time, or use them very frequently. Carpet cleaners are best when the carpet is not used very much.

One more crucial factor is how long you want to spend cleaning. Extractors take longer, and cleaners take less time. You should now be able to confidently choose which machine is best for you.